Date of incorporation: 18 January 2010
Tax ID and V.A.T: no. 02361170398
Share capital: € 100,000.00 fully paid in.
GRUPPO CEVICO – Centro Vinicolo Cooperativo Romagnolo Soc.Coop of LUGO (RA)
Business: wholesale trade of alcoholic products in general
ATECO code: no. 46.34.1
Description of the business:
After a restructuring in recent years of the Italian distillery sector, the company was founded with the purpose of covering the demands of the market for alcoholic products by a wide range of consumer categories.
Distribuzione Alcoli Italia – D.A.I. S.r.l. the company proposes:
- to purchase and sell wholesale alcoholic products in general, including high quality spirits such as brandy, grappa, aquavit, rum, whisky
- to valorize the products and services furnished to its clientele
- to study the conditions of the domestic and EU market
With its new fiscal deposit located in Lugo (RA), the company markets alcoholic products supplied by the leading producers on the market, also at the European level.